Adult onset diabetes hypertension and the Mitochondria Connection

Some of the times rarely the DNA of the father is partly intermixed into the mitochondrial DNA

Posted: November 28, 2018
By: RW Smith DC, DABCI

An update on the mitochondrial story – seems that a small percentage of people get part of the mitochondrial DNA from their father – not just their mothers.  


Unexpected problems with medication to mitochondria

Posted: October 15, 2017
By: RW Smith DC, DABCI


Treating acquired Mitochondrial with nutritional supports

Posted: September 27, 2017
By: RW Smith DC, DABCI

New link to mitochondrial dysfunction and aging

Posted: September 25, 2017
By: RW Smith DC, DABCI

Alzheimer Disease and type 3 diabetes has a mitochondrial dysfunction link

Posted: September 25, 2017
By: RW Smith DC, DABCI

Mitochondrial dysfunction link in elderly diabetic

Posted: September 25, 2017
By: RW Smith DC, DABCI

Thimerosal can have a negative effect on the mitochondria of certain brain cells.

Posted: September 25, 2017
By: RW Smith DC, DABCI

Over use of antibiotics can devastate our mitochondria

Posted: August 11, 2016
By: RW Smith DC, DABCI

Antibiotics from our food can be a danger to our mitochondria

Posted: August 11, 2016
By: RW Smith DC, DABCI

Mitochondrial Support against antibiotics

Posted: August 11, 2016
By: RW Smith DC, DABCI